所给评分: --
Can any of those who claim homosexuality is "unnatural" explain this beastly behaviour?
Beginning with a critique of science, citations from the bible, and Darwinian Theory, this film debunks previously held ideas about homosexuals by examining homosexuality in the animal kingdom. From fruit flies to dolphins, amazing footage from around the globe captures homosexuality in its natural state. 片中访问了几位不同的生物学家,他们异口同声都表示,在他们研究的生物种类当中,都有同性恋求爱、性交、结为配偶的行为出现,不单颇为普遍,普且为同类所接受。据文献记戴,以前西方的生物学家都有发现这些现象,不过在教会保守思想及封建教条下,他们视之为邪恶,见到当见唔到,将之漠视(名符其实的非礼勿视),不作进一步观察、研究和记录。