所给评分: 9
導演Neasa Ní Chianáin追隨偶像愛爾蘭詩人Cathal ó Searcaigh來到加德滿都,想要透過鏡頭紀錄他的創作泉源。在加德滿都,總是有年輕的少年圍繞著詩人,而他與男孩之間的關係似乎並不單純,當導演深入調查後,愈多驚人真相逐一被揭露。 The filmmaker follows her idol, a celebrated gay Irish poet, on one of his annual trips to Nepal, where he is awaited by his 'spiritual son'. In front of the camera, the Nepalese speak favorably of this generous westerner. However, soon thereafter, some of the youths come forward to tell a different tale. The filmmaker is forced to enter the action and confront him.
所给评分: 9
Fairytale of Kathmandu》(《性·谎言·加德满都》,汉语翻译应该是《加德满都的童话传说》),讲的是一个爱尔兰诗人,Cathal O'Searcaigh,他是一个公开的同志诗人,最近几年,年年都到访尼泊尔的事情。 他对爱的定义几乎完美,可当羊皮被层层拨去时,我们看到的是一个固执慌张而又无奈的扭曲的脸.
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