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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-26 14:45:11      

所给评分: --

半生還未完 Half-Life
英語對白,無字幕 In English with no subtitles
美國 USA / 2008 / 彩色 Color / Video / 106min
導演 Dir: Jennifer Phang
演員 Cast: Sanoe Lake, Julia Nickson-Soul, Leonardo Nam

28/11 (Fri) 7:40pm????? @BC
29/11 (Sat) 2:00pm??? ?@ BC

家好月圓可能是大家的心願,只是有時越幫越忙,會變成無心害你。美國加州北部小城,韓裔少年 Scott 因自己的性向問題而大受困擾,甚至因而愧對自己的保守基督徒養父母。家庭壓力有理說不清,冷不防又殺出神經質少女 Pam 的多番糾纏。那邊廂,九歲仔的 Timothy 人細鬼大,特別留意媒體暴力、環境問題,甚至希望化解家庭成員之間的心魔,希望改變世界。獨立導演 Jennifer Phang 的首部長片,在幽默中見溫情,再加上動人攝影及動畫,盡現誠意及創意。

A recent American indie film gem, HALF-LIFE is the compelling story of a Northern Californian community's struggle to relate to each other and adapt to looming global chaos. Cynical 19-year-old Pam spins her wheels and fixates on her best friend - cute nerd Scott, a gay Korean adoptee who can't resist throwing his sexuality in the faces of his fundamentalist Christian parents. Nine-year-old Timothy keenly observes the violence on TV, environmental decay and his family's personal demons, but might just have the power to alter everyone's reality. Bursting with creativity, subtle humor and beautiful cinematography and animation, Jennifer Phang's first feature film is a moving, sophisticated and completely original work.
