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現在已成為同志首都之一的三藩市,三十年前卻曾上演過一段發人深省的同志平權血淚史。1979年,當地首位公開同志身分的市議員 Harvey Milk 與市長 George Moscone 被他們的同僚議員 Dan White 槍殺,震驚全國上下。Rob Epstein 拍這部得獎紀錄片時,透過這宗槍擊案,深入反思政治、選舉、階級及性傾向的關係。向來深得同志歡心的名導演 Gus Van Sant 更將事件搬上銀幕,找來辛潘主演,勢必成話題之作。
In 1978, Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco city council, becoming the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California. One year later, he and Mayor George Moscone were shot and killed by Milk's fellow council member, Dan White. THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK is the academy award-winning documentary that recreates the tumultuous story of Milk's grassroots political organizing and election, through the shocking murders and their repercussions. The narrative version of MILK, directed by Gus Van Sant, starring Sean Penn will be early next year.
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