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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-29 14:47:12      

所给评分: --

一間健身室內的蒸氣房,三個不同世代的女人。本來三人並不相識,卻因每週在蒸氣房碰面而趟開心扉。廿歲出頭的天主教乖乖女出身自極端保守的家庭,卻碰到在學校沒有教的事 – 女生與性感的女同學「撻著」該怎麼辦?吃人的禮教會否潑熄熱辣辣的愛火?至於40歲的美艷少婦 (《高檔貨 High Art》女星 Ally Sheedy飾) 正與前夫爭奪10歲兒子的撫養權,令她煩上加煩是兒子球隊的教練卻對她展開追求。這位猛男只有她一半的年紀,忘年戀是她的最後答案嗎?憑《犯罪帝國》獲得金像提名的老牌女星 Ruby Dee 則飾演一名飽受喪夫之痛的婦人,一段黃昏之戀會帶來快樂還是令傷口更痛?導演以感人、幽默又真實傷感的筆觸立體地呈現了三個女人在生活中的困局,以及她們勇於追求自我與愛情的心路歷程。

STEAM tells the stories of three very different women, at three different stages of life, who are linked only by the steam room of their local gym. Single mom Laurie (HIGH ART's Ally Sheedy) is still being manipulated by her slimy ex-husband. Doris (Ruby Dee, Oscar-nominated for American Gangster), a recent widow, can no longer find much to live for, and is becoming increasingly isolated. Elizabeth (Kate Siegel), a college freshman, is caught in her emotionless parents’ controlling grip. Initially, each woman seems impossibly stuck. But, suddenly, they reach a turning point, and a new relationship opens up unanticipated opportunities for change.
