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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-29 16:56:34      

所给评分: --

記不起,是不是你?和你在一起,但愛的到底是哪個你?中產熟女 Oom 某日開車時撞倒型男亞 Tan,最後令他腦震蕩兼失晒憶!為了彌補過錯,Oom 決意照顧亞 Tan,讓他慢慢回復記憶,微妙感情也在這細水長流的日常生活中滋長。記憶的碎片不斷重組,Tan 發現自己原來能歌善舞,腦海裡更經常浮現神秘女子的渺渺芳蹤。凌亂的線索,令他們重新面對這段花非花夢非夢的親密關係。究竟亞 Tan 是何許人呢?非一般泰式搞鬼喜劇背後,同時承載著一段段有關自我尋找和發現的經歷。

ME… MYSELF explores the facets of self-discovery in a comical and intriguing story.  Oom is a stressed out young professional woman who is finding it hard to deal with pressures at home. While driving, she accidentally hits Tan with her car, leaving him with amnesia. Feeling responsible for him, Oom takes Tan in and tries to help him find himself and remember his past. Feelings between them start to brew and this is when questions start to arise about his character. Why is he so good at song and dance? Tan starts to have flashes of a woman from his past. Who is she? With comical characters and an engaging story, ME… MYSELF will keep you entertained. But it’s not all comedy. Real issues develop and the effects of exposing one’s true self are explored. Tan and Oom must decide if their love can endure the revelation of Tan’s past.
