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“Tutok” is a dramatic thriller that revolves around the lives of two newsmen, one is an ambitious reporter (portrayed by award winnning actor Emilio Garcia) while the other is a cameraman (played by actor turned producer Allen Dizon). Together, the two men seek instant fame by attempting to cover a story involving rebel leaders. What follows next is a series of events that makes the lives of the two men turn into a nightmare. The two men are forced to participate in homosexual acts and sexual orgies while being filmed by a camera. “Tutok” comprises a good cast which includes Boots Anson-Roa as the concerned mother, Andrea Del Rosario as the reporter’s understanding wife, Lloyd Samartino as the feisty television head news executive, Victor Aliwalas as a news correspondent and Ian De Leon as the rebel leader. The film also features newcomer Raymond Cabral as one of the rebels who engage in homosexual activities.
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