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2. -- Coming Distractions Coming Distractions [美 1994] [硬x] [录影带] -- / 0
1. 资料 Beefcake Buddies Volume 1 Beefcake Buddies Volume 1 [美 1960-1969] [软x] [短片集] TOP 7267 [IMDB无] 6.50 / 6


55. -- Gay Camp Classics Vol. 2 同志夏令营故事卷二 [美 2000] [短片] [短片集] [录影带] -- / 0
54. -- Gay Camp Classics Vol. 1 同志夏令营故事卷一 [美 2000] [短片] [短片集] [录影带] -- / 0
53. -- Take It Out In Trade: The Outtakes Take It Out In Trade: The Outtakes [美 1995] [记录片] [录影带] [] -- / 0
52. -- Coming Distractions Coming Distractions [美 1994] [硬x] [录影带] -- / 0
51. -- Macho Grande Macho Grande [美 1984] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
50. -- Subway Subway [美 1983] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
49. -- Jr. Cadets Jr. Cadets [美 1981] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
48. -- Pier Groups Pier Groups [美 1979] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
47. -- Navy Blue Navy Blue [美 1979] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
46. -- Their Tender Moments Their Tender Moments [美 1978] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
45. -- Let Me Die a Woman Let Me Die a Woman [美 1978] [记录片] [] -- / 0
44. 大吊 Heavy Equipment Heavy Equipment [美 1977] [硬x] TOP 1937 8.97 / 30
43. -- Five Hard Pieces Five Hard Pieces [美 1977] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
42. -- Twilight Cowboy Twilight Cowboy [美 1976] [电影] -- / 0
41. -- Rugged Men Rugged Men [美 1976] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
40. -- Honorable Jones Comes Out Honorable Jones Comes Out [美 1976] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
39. -- Sins of Johnny X Sins of Johnny X [美 1975] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
38. -- Muscle Bound Muscle Bound [美 1975] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
37. -- Just the Two of Us Just the Two of Us [美 1975] [电影] [] -- / 0
36. -- How to Make a Homo Movie How to Make a Homo Movie [美 1975] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
35. -- Hold Your Piece Hold Your Piece [美 1975] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
34. -- Fun Buns Contest Fun Buns Contest [美 1975] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
33. Comedy Finger Licken Good or Chicken Licken Finger Licken Good or Chicken Licken [美 1974] [硬x] TOP 11159 0.00 / 2
32. Comedy Charlys Nichten Charlys Nichten [西德 1974] [电影] [] -- / 0
31. -- Swap Meat Swap Meat [美 1973] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
30. -- Sons of Satan Sons of Satan [美 1973] [硬x] TOP 10793 4.00 / 2
29. 悬疑 The Sins of Rachel The Sins of Rachel [美 1972] [电影] TOP 8138 -- / 0
28. -- Chained Chained [美 1972] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
27. -- All About Alice All About Alice [美 1972] [电影] -- / 0
26. -- La Venganza del sexo La Venganza del sexo [阿根廷 1971] The Curious Case of Dr. Humpp [电影] [] -- / 0
25. -- Assault Assault [美 1971] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0
24. 通俗 The Meatrack 男基生涯 [美 1970] [电影] [/] TOP 6107 7.42 / 12
23. -- The Drag Queen's Ball The Drag Queen's Ball [美 1970] [记录片] [短片] -- / 0
22. 正剧 Sticks and Stones 棍子与石头 [美 1970] [电影] TOP 6901 7.00 / 6
21. Drama Song of the Loon Song of the Loon [美 1970] [电影] [] -- / 0
20. -- Sex Rituals of the Occult Sex Rituals of the Occult [美 1970] [记录片] [短片] [] 4.00 / 1
19. -- Inside A.M.G. (The Athletic Model Guild Story) Inside A.M.G. (The Athletic Model Guild Story) [美 1970] [记录片] -- / 0
18. Drama Fiebre Fiebre [阿根廷 1970] Heat [电影] -- / 0
17. -- That Tender Touch That Tender Touch [美 1969] [电影] [] -- / 0
16. -- Freiheit für die Liebe Freiheit für die Liebe [西德 1969] [电影] -- / 0
15. Drama All Women Are Bad All Women Are Bad [美 1969] [电影] [] -- / 0
14. -- Touch of Leather Touch of Leather [英 1968] [电影] -- / 0
13. -- Too Much Too Often! Too Much Too Often! [美 1968] [电影] -- / 0
12. -- The Psychic The Psychic [美 1968] [电影] -- / 0
11. -- The Ghastly Ones The Ghastly Ones [美 1968] [电影] -- / 0
10. -- Seeds Seeds [美 1968] [电影] [] -- / 0
9. -- File X for Sex: The Perverted File X for Sex: The Perverted [美 1967] [电影] -- / 0
8. -- Consenting Adults: A Study of Homosexuality Consenting Adults: A Study of Homosexuality [英 1967] [记录片] [短片] [] -- / 0
7. -- Chained Girls Chained Girls [美 1965] [记录片] [] -- / 0
6. Drama Vapors 蒸汽 [美 1963] [短片] -- / 0
5. Drama Copacabana Palace Copacabana Palace [巴西/法/意 1962] [电影] -- / 0
4. Drama Anders als du und ich 第三性 [西德 1957] [电影] [] -- / 0
3. Thriller Les Diaboliques 浴室情杀案 [法 1955] [电影] [] 6.00 / 1
2. Drama Glen or Glenda 忽男忽女 [美 1953] [电影] [] 7.00 / 1
1. -- Men of the Meat Rack Men of the Meat Rack [美 ] [硬x] TOP 8138 -- / 0